
Miami Dolphins Fire Coach Flores - A Fans View

This pertains to the firing of Miami Dolphins Brian Flores by owner Steven Ross on January 10, 2022, the day after their season was over. This was written before ANY real info came out about the firing, instead, relying on the casual yet passionate observer's experience, and why we go back for more. This news is bad for Fins Fans on a much larger scale than it seems. Ross now has a documented record of hiring and firing as I will explain with facts from recent history, loosely interpreted, and logical hypothesis of coming events. To me, Flo was like… SOLID… he had that Tomlin/Cowher/Bud Grant kind of persona. I LOVED him and his players did too. I was quite happy to say, “what ever Flo thinks, I’m good with”. I would play for Flo! But this isn’t about our beloved Flo. This is about that poor, yet-to-be-named fellow they’re going to hire to replace him. Has no idea that in 3 years, he’ll be fired for losing the coin toss in OT at the Super Bowl because the other team ran the kick of

The Trump Era: What The Hell WAS That?

We don’t disagree on this. In fact, I don’t hold enough of an opinion to put up a good fight. My issues of late, and the reason I’m so noisy is not a Red/Blue thing, it’s the cataclysmic decline of American character and intellectualism. That country up there (looking north from CR) is one hot mess and is currently, the laughing stock of the world as the testimony of 95% of all travelers from all around the world that visit Guanacaste do attest. Now, when you proudly say, “I’m a US citizen”… the first 3 things people think is stupid, racist, fascist and fat. Trump did that. Yeah, we had a bad well-earned rep up to that point, but Flumpy the Clown blew this out of the water. His presence brought out the absolute worst in American character and that is what I protest the most. That is why I’m glad Joe is in there, simply because he’s NOT Trump. I’d be happy with a rusty lug nut at this point. Biden, to me, he’s just another politician on the take like all of them. But with Trump, you can

The Drummers - A Tribute to My 1st Brother in Rhythm, Van Joncox

  Van and I shared the role of “the drummer” in high school, which was normally reserved for the Alpha drummer, but I was a rocker and knocked stuff over and made children cry with my style, and Van was a real technician, well practiced and precise, something I always envied him for. Style-wise, I was John Bonham, and Van was Bill Bruford, and we were both happy to carry the unofficial torch together. We understood and accepted our respective roles in the musical world and there was not one competitive bone in our bodies toward each other. But one day after school, and those 2 worlds collided when the Jazz Band was rehearsing. Of course, Van was the full time drummer for the Jazz Band as Mr. Head, our lovable musical director and teacher, was well aware of my rock-star sensibilities and he knew that I was ill-equipped for the job and frankly, uninterested, what with all the sheet music and such. But jazz band was right in Van’s wheelhouse. I stopped by on my way out that night to watch

What I Want - It's finally been decided

I have the unique opportunity to start over after some personal difficulties took me off my path for the the better part of 2020 and 2021. That obstacle now vanquished, I set my sights to return home to Guanacaste to restart my life and re-establish my musical 'brand'. So the question is asked, if only within myself... "what are you looking to do?" And up until now, I didn't have a clear answer. As motivation, I created a faux-poster (pictured) of the gig I want and when I want it, a constant reminder to push forward, without haste, to restart my life. I pondered the image, the words, and the motivation it offered, but I kept coming back to what I crave most which is collaboration with artists with energy, amazing ideas and a true commitment to performance art. So with that, I wrote my personal mission statement... WHAT I WANT: It's finally been decided I have this hankering… a musical yearning. I want for excellence… which is odd, because as a player, I'm

Zac's Birth - The Untrue Story

I want to congratulate you, my son, on this, your coming-out-of-my-x-wive’s-vag-day, July 26th, 1990… 31 years ago today! Though your exploits, up to this point, are well documented at the local precinct, and the stuff of legend, something happened on this very fateful day that not even your dear mother knows about. Something that effected everyone in that room… something that shook the foundation of everyone in existence! I think it was right around noon of this day that you fell to the tile floor with a heavy thud after being launched from your dear mother’s weary birth receptacle after she pushed for 12 agonizing hours and ingested enough drugs to kill a rhino. She passed out immediately after the launch, and didn’t wake up until Hanukah, so your mother is none the wiser to these events. Now how do you drop a new born baby you might be asking? But in the doctor’s defense, they desperately tried to corral the writhing, slippery, 2 kilo eggplant that sprung forth, screaming, but were

The Go-To GOP Response to Everything

GOP congressman, Andrew Clyde, GA, says calling the Capitol attack an insurrection is 'a bold-faced lie' and compares the rioters to tourists. link Yeah... so there's THAT. Strong letter to follow, so buckle up... if you're a sensitive 'Karen', I'd swipe left right now. -- First off, you can't accuse someone of lying when they are offering an OPINION! An opinion based on the broadcast that we ALL saw... we all saw the tapes after the fact too... and so did that GOP idiot right before he went into SPIN mode. Secondly... TOURISTS?... Where does THIS guy vacation? Leavenworth? Tell Ted Cruz so he can go drop his family off next time Texas has a dust storm. Are these GOP politicians just straight up stupid, or do they think we are? I know... it’s the later, but had to ask. This idiot calls it a LIE - but it's something everyone on earth SAW with their own eyes, as it happened! Left and right, black and white, fat and skinny, christian and muslim, boys an

What is Höwler?

Originally written for Howler Magazine March, 2021 What is Höwler? Let’s Start With What It's NOT… This is not pop, this is not tourist music, this isn’t Cocaine or Sweet Home Alabama or Hotel California. It’s not safe, it’s not for the faint of heart, it’s not popular, and it sure as hell isn’t reggaetón. This isn’t light beer, wine coolers or fancy drinks with cute name served with an umbrella… this IS the hard stuff, this IS music from the top shelf for dyed in the wool rockers and heavy metal head bangers. THIS IS HÖWLER! True To Their Name   Höwler is a self-made, thrash metal band from San Jose with a sound, a message and a name that is true to themselves. They cater to no one but their own sense of musical destiny and socially conscious convictions, meant only to appeal to those of like mind and spirit with plenty of room on their bandwagon for those of you who can keep up. Their name has nothing to do with the monkeys in Costa Rica, or this publication. Charlie Díaz, the le

Cancel Culture is NOT a Thing... Correction Culture IS

Cancel Culture Is NOT a "problem" It's Not Even a "thing" Correction Culture IS!  ~ A dear friend sent me this to review. I did, thoroughly, and then responded...   Hi Mike.  Would you please do me the favor of watching this video. A friend just sent it to me and both my husband and I agree it brings a balanced perspective to the problem of “cancel culture”. -- Dearest Friend, The Washington Redskins... I always wondered a) how they could name the team that in the first place, and  b) what kind of insensitive person can stand on the belief that it's 'no big deal'. It's a fact that "redskins" is a derogatory term. Just because it's an old name is no justification for its existence. There is real pain caused to real people that that name represents. Just because 'some' people are use to it doesn't change that fact. Would the Chicago N*ggers be a suitable name just because they were named in th

Dominical, Costa Rica: Where Mountains Meet The Seas

Written by Mike Shannon Province: Puntarenas Population: 500-1000 (dep. on season) Location : Southern Pacific Coast Type: Small Beach Town Climate :           28˚C Avg. High Humidity: 80% at sea level Seasons: Dry Season November to April           Rainy Season May to October Attracts:      Surfers, retirees, nature enthusiasts, adventure seekers Wedged between the gorgeous beaches of Costa Rica’s southern Pacific coast and the coastal mountains is the sleepy beach town of Dominical. In a nutshell, Dominical is known for its beaches, surfing, wildlife, waterfalls, National Parks and its stunning natural beauty. But the first thing you’re met with is the sleepy, laidback vibe of this diminutive beach town, which is, for many, the most alluring feature. Location Dominical sits at the mouth of the Barú River that flows down from the mountains and into the sea. Like most beach towns in Costa Rica, Dominical was first established as a fishing village decades ago, acce

Steve Bakunas - Where Creative Energy Meets Philanthropy

This article originally appeared in the Howler Magazine in the August, 2020 issue Written by Mike Shannon | August 2020 Rarely a person come along that has an immediate positive effect on the world around them. Steve Bakunas is that guy. Steve is an artist, musician, actor, activist, world traveler and philanthropist. He and his wife have just purchased a home in Guanacaste, and his story is worth relating. The Formative Years Steve’s resume of life experience reads like a grab bag of antidotes… born in 1957 in Milford, Connecticut, he enjoyed a typical childhood surrounded by 1 brother and all of 7 sisters. After his father’s untimely passing when he was 13, the house was full of girls and Steve, at the ripe age of 16, felt the need to “broaden my perspective”, and bravely ventured out on his own. His enterprising spirit and sense of adventure produced a laundry list of unusual vocations, such as driving a limo for the Grateful Dead, selling used cars, tending bar, becoming an upholst