The Trump Era: What The Hell WAS That?

We don’t disagree on this. In fact, I don’t hold enough of an opinion to put up a good fight. My issues of late, and the reason I’m so noisy is not a Red/Blue thing, it’s the cataclysmic decline of American character and intellectualism. That country up there (looking north from CR) is one hot mess and is currently, the laughing stock of the world as the testimony of 95% of all travelers from all around the world that visit Guanacaste do attest. Now, when you proudly say, “I’m a US citizen”… the first 3 things people think is stupid, racist, fascist and fat. Trump did that. Yeah, we had a bad well-earned rep up to that point, but Flumpy the Clown blew this out of the water. His presence brought out the absolute worst in American character and that is what I protest the most. That is why I’m glad Joe is in there, simply because he’s NOT Trump. I’d be happy with a rusty lug nut at this point.

Biden, to me, he’s just another politician on the take like all of them. But with Trump, you can add criminal, abhorrent, hard to look at, stupid, classless, thin-skinned, racist, misogynist, impossible to listen to, and he cheats at golf. And THIS guy was our president!!?? This emotes the biggest face palm of all time in my view.


Accounting No-No's 101:
If you triple spending, don't slash revenues at the same time.

‘Trump’s Economy’ was just a cover for him paying his campaign debts. After the congressional budget  of 2017 was announced, the very FIRST thing he did was call a meeting of a few dozen super rich people at Mira Lago. When he addressed them, he didn't say, "we just passed ground breaking legislation that will bolster the economy and be a benefit to every working class American family." No, he didn't say ANYthing like that. Actually, the first sentence out of his orange pie-hole was, "Well, I just made you all much richer!" and that tells you EVERYthing you want to know about Trump and the entire point of his presidency and existence. No one should be surprised.

Those rich people will now give him more money to get elected because he just fulfilled his last promise that if they donate to his campaign fund, he will fuck with the tax code to effectively make them all millions and millions and millions of dollars richer without working for it. And what about the poor and middle class American people that supported him?... what about them? Well, those idiots are so happy that "Trump cut taxes" that not a single one of them noticed that their personal taxes went UP the year after he took office. But none the less, they're SO happy with that headline, they just keep repeating it until it's true, which is why they are STILL repeating it. And this, in turn, will help procure the votes he needs for a 2nd term. It takes a lot of stupid and lazy to pull it off, but he did it once, and the US is presently overstocked. The deal is, they vote for Trump and get absolutely NOTHING. And in return, they now have the freedom to be openly racist, carry guns, think wresting is real and wear tacky clothes.

Under Trump, the Economy was run exactly like he ran his casinos and airlines and hotels - straight into the ground. He was always massively under-leveraged, because he always overstated his financial liquidity, while he understated his earnings (so he pays no taxes), all demonstrated in falsified records (3 felonies btw), just to get the financing that, according to him, he doesn't need. He treated everyone around him like shit, fired people to make a point and acted like a fuck head at every turn. No one liked him. He commanded fear, not respect, and they are NOT the same thing. Those that govern, or manage by fear are weak minded and usually have fear issues themselves. Because he is incapable of collaborating with anyone who isn't him, he thought he could do everything himself and just fired everyone. He did and he couldn’t. But if you ask him now, he’ll tell you, even while he prepares his bankruptcy papers, that he could and did very successfully.

He did the exact same with OUR country, and then made lofty speeches about what a brilliantly shrewd business man he is and what he has done for all the American people - all while the demolition workers are busy setting charges around his casinos. When the dust finally settles from the explosions, Trump is predictably gone with only a few rubber-neckers (press) remaining and all the people that believed in him, still standing there, holding the bag and footing the bill asking, "who won the election again?"

So while Trump was getting pats on the back in Mira Lago, the national debt doubled over night.  And the thing about the national debt - the ONLY way it goes away is if you have less spending than revenues, over time. And, well, that just ain't Trumpy's thing is it? So when he's long gone, it's you and me that are left holding the bag. WE must foot the bill for HIS economy! And we will be for DECADES to come because you MUST pay that back - by way of balancing the budget. Regan ran the budget up out of control and gave all the money to the rich and the military. Clinton took office and for the only time in my lifetime, he BALANCED the budget! In 8 years, he managed to absorb the debt created by Regan, and then balance his own budget to a ZERO DEBT status! But then came the Bush's. 3 wars and a bunch of lies later, and we're back in the shit. Obama inherited what almost became the 2nd great depression from GW. And here we are now with Joe, trying to clean up Flumpy's mess while the fat orange fuck shouts insults from the cheep seats. That dude is just straight up pathetic. I don't care if he made me a millionaire 5 times over - if he walked in my house, I'd piss right in his face. What Trump did had the shelf life of a snappy headline and the recall of a goldfish. It was simply NOT mathematically sustainable. But he didn't care because the clean up would be AFTER he left office, and paid for by someone else and that's US! And that is how Trump do!


Every economist knows that the stock market is a shabby economic indicator. There is NO consistent correlation between a strong economy and a booming stock market and or GDP or other leading economic indicators. Sometimes 1 is up, while the other is down. Sometimes, both are tanking together. Sometimes both surge together. Either way, it serves only to provide headline fodder for the political party that is on the shit-end of the news.

Trump celebrates every stock market gain like a monument to his own greatness and he is joined by all the people that voted for him, who have never owned a stock in their lifetime. So when they say, "the stock market is BOOMING!" to… lavish praise on their orange deity, I ask, "so what?" There is NEVER and answer to that.

Virtually EVERY democrat that had to take office after a Republican, did so while having clean up the financial mess they left. Obama and congress had to take action that averted the 2nd Great Depression. You think the economy is bad now? You have no idea how close we really were to growing our food in the back yard. 

Republicans actually BELIEVE that bludgeoning the middle class while coddling the 1% is good for the economy. It's not… anywhere in the world for that matter. At one point, they gave it a cute little name… “Trickle Down Economics”… which, when I first heard it, meant, “oh look, conservatives are going to let poor people have their scraps! How Nice!” But the middle and upper middle class LOVED it, because it wasn’t THEM getting vilified and screwed for once. That is a politician’s ONLY motivation with EVERYthing they do. When you understand that, then many other things will suddenly become clear.


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