The Go-To GOP Response to Everything

GOP congressman, Andrew Clyde, GA, says calling the Capitol attack an insurrection is 'a bold-faced lie' and compares the rioters to tourists. link

Yeah... so there's THAT.

Strong letter to follow, so buckle up... if you're a sensitive 'Karen', I'd swipe left right now.


First off, you can't accuse someone of lying when they are offering an OPINION! An opinion based on the broadcast that we ALL saw... we all saw the tapes after the fact too... and so did that GOP idiot right before he went into SPIN mode.

Secondly... TOURISTS?... Where does THIS guy vacation? Leavenworth? Tell Ted Cruz so he can go drop his family off next time Texas has a dust storm.

Are these GOP politicians just straight up stupid, or do they think we are? I know... it’s the later, but had to ask. This idiot calls it a LIE - but it's something everyone on earth SAW with their own eyes, as it happened! Left and right, black and white, fat and skinny, christian and muslim, boys and girls, Melania and Stormy... WE ALL SAW IT DUDE! And THAT was one god-awful attempted insurrection to be sure. They looked like a bunch of clowns tumbling out of a circus car... but they DID go there to KILL Pence and Pelosi and stop the democratic process... and how do we know that?.... because those same people SAID SO OUT LOUD!

Just like watching George Floyd get choked out for 9 minutes is not up for debate or interpretation... we don't need the right wing, the left wing, or the chicken wing media to tell us which way the wind blows because these idiots are committing these crimes on live television in broad daylight! It doesn’t matter that he just smoked a fatty - dude got choked out FOR NINE MINUTES!

You need another example?…. we KNEW Flumpy was guilty after he kept saying READ THE TRANSCRIPT... so we did... (well, I did anyway) and the transcript says... HE WAS GUILTY!!! Not because anyone on CNN told me - but because HE told me!

It’s the same thing in this case - we all saw the insurrection, and all this putz has to say is the equivalent of "NO YOU DIDN'T". ummm... YES WE DID! It's like Monty Python's classic Argument Sketch!

So now it's descended into them defending ALL of their never ending parade of GOP faults and infractions with "NO I DIDN'T" Right Mr. Gaetz? And the reason is because it WORKS. The right wing minions were going MENTAL over Hilary's supposed pedophile ring in the basement of a pizza joint. It was easily confirmed that it’s, in fact, has no basement… But here’s Gaetz CHARGED with felonies and despicable crimes and there IS actual EVIDENCE and witnesses and co-conspirators! The dude leaves a trail like a slug. And where are all those GOP pro-life child-savers now?!

So clearly, just straight denial actually works with their dumbed down minions, even if they all just saw it with their eyes. Though it should be added here that after that attempted insurrection, tens of thousands of conservatives jumped ship and left the Republican Party, many career politicians too - the biggest exodus in history. Does that not raise a flag? Nope. The minions would NEVER read the transcript, they would NEVER watch the tape, they would NEVER fact check ANYthing - just click and send - click and send. They ARE the fake news machine that they complain about. So it comes as no surprise when they say, "NO WE'RE NOT - YOU ARE!" And if they look the other way, plug their ears and sing "La la la la" (or just watch Fox News)... they can just deny deny deny the whole thing ever happened. Plausible deniability - rah rah rah!

It doesn't matter if we have ACTUAL evidence like audio, video, confessions, paper trail, cell records, flipped lawyers, lackeys and prostitutes - they simply won’t look at it, and Fox and Newsmax won’t report it so to them, it doesn’t even exist. So the answer is ALWAYS "NO I DIDN'T". And that's it, mic drop, I'm outta here! That is all that’s needed to satisfy the base. This is the school yard equivalent of "I know you are but what am I?"

It also doesn't matter that election challenges were thrown out in 60+ courts, twice in the Supreme Court and to date, after 5-6 months, they have STILL yet to produce 1 shred of evidence. That's because there IS none... and it was a fair election. To which the GOP predictably says... "NO IT WASN’T”… oi vey (face palm).

So even if a republican see's this image, even if they are IN this image... 

They're still going to believe and repeat what this GOP mouthpiece said, and I quote,

"Those who entered the Capitol walked through Statuary Hall in an orderly fashion staying between the ropes, taking videos and pictures. If you didn't know it was from January 6th, you would think it was a normal tourist visit,"

Well I'll give him this, for the GOP... that IS orderly! I guess it's not surprising... it's the only defense they have for their never ending parade of felonies and indictments. They have no clue how to relate to people and in a straight up election… they WILL lose. All they know is “it worked with Trump in 2016, let’s try THAT again” and they don’t care how much destruction the rains down upon us… how many people die from covid or mass shootings… just as long as get elected.

But there’s good news…. they finally found recent evidence of voter fraud and the dude got 5 years probation! Progress right? Except that guy voted for Flumpy the Clown - TWICE! In fact, of the 10 or so cases of voter fraud that have been uncovered (totaling 10 votes), 8 of them were Trumpys!

Oh they ARE a laughable bunch, and I would laugh if it wasn't so dangerous. And dangerous is the word as the GOP's brethren, the lovable white supremacists, were just named by the Attorney General as the greatest present threat to the US!... more than brown people, muslims, CHI-NA, and Greta Thunburg put together! It took us 60 years to push those crackers underground after the equal rights amendment was ratified in 1964. Then along comes Flumpy and out of the woodwork they all come again. He’s like that asshole in school that knocks over your house of cards the second you place the last card on the top.

So that brings me to wondering why these people keep voting for these career criminals!? And they ARE criminals. If this was a sporting event and indictments were worth a goal - it would be about 79-1 GOP at this point. With that kind of track record, HOW are they STILL constantly fooled by this 3rd rate slight of common sense? As GW tried to say once, "fool me once... ummm... someone cue up Ba Ba O'Riely!" (admittedly a reference stretch there)

I have no problem with conservatives or ANYone with a different view of things, makes for great conversation… but I'm going to have to stop at ignoring the obvious reality of things - or at the bare minimum, requiring ME to jump on your fantasy-world band wagon. And I certainly won’t go along with any force that brings flagrant racism back in style.

So bring on an ultra conservative, bring it on... give us a Sarah Palin and The Pillow Guy ticket... let them run for office and represent all those 1950s values that left the earth 70 years ago… let them run... without voter suppression... without gerrymandering... without all the noise. Without social media. Here's OUR guy, and here's YOUR guy... and we'll see who wins. OK? Sound good?... or do we need to arrest dark skinned people that bring water to people standing in voting lines all day?

In this, the GOP are much like the Girl Scouts who want no part of playing the Green Bay Packers in tackle football because they KNOW what will happen. But if they did… and it was broadcast around the world… and we all watched as the GOP got POUNDED 75-0... they would simply say... (all together now)… "NO WE DIDN'T!" and then claim victory. Just like the election. How on earth did the GOP become so logically challenged?

We may never know.


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