What I Want - It's finally been decided

I have the unique opportunity to start over after some personal difficulties took me off my path for the the better part of 2020 and 2021. That obstacle now vanquished, I set my sights to return home to Guanacaste to restart my life and re-establish my musical 'brand'. So the question is asked, if only within myself... "what are you looking to do?" And up until now, I didn't have a clear answer.

As motivation, I created a faux-poster (pictured) of the gig I want and when I want it, a constant reminder to push forward, without haste, to restart my life. I pondered the image, the words, and the motivation it offered, but I kept coming back to what I crave most which is collaboration with artists with energy, amazing ideas and a true commitment to performance art. So with that, I wrote my personal mission statement...

It's finally been decided

I have this hankering… a musical yearning. I want for excellence… which is odd, because as a player, I'm anything but excellent. But as a front man or guitar player or drummer and performer, I strive for something more than playing a handful of songs for a couple hundred bucks and a few beers. I didn't decide to be like this - I was just born this way. Even when an event is executed well, I always come back to, "it would have been better if we…” This is not a lament, but instead, a challenge, and a way of being that promotes progress at every tipping point, designed to squeeze every creative drop out of everything we put into our performance existence. Like a marathon runner staggering to the finish line completely spent, every event should leave us creatively exhausted when we say “good night”.

I want to create a factory of human expression that runs on collaborative creative energy, brain storming and meticulous planning that lead to performance events, deliberately executed with finesse, precision, style and energy. 

I found through my experience that I crave collaboration with artists who want to express more than what the song lyrics merely offer. I have a need to feel the same kind of boundless creative energy from someone who calls me at 1 in the morning with an idea that’s so good that I have to get up to properly pay attention. I’ve been in plenty of bands where that energy that was not tapped which explains why such bands rarely last more than 2 years. Sure we had many ‘over the top’ musical moments where excellence was ours… if only for 1 show, 1 song, or 1 fleeting moment. I want that, EVERY DAY, until I croak.

Is that asking too much?


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