
Showing posts from November, 2021

The Trump Era: What The Hell WAS That?

We don’t disagree on this. In fact, I don’t hold enough of an opinion to put up a good fight. My issues of late, and the reason I’m so noisy is not a Red/Blue thing, it’s the cataclysmic decline of American character and intellectualism. That country up there (looking north from CR) is one hot mess and is currently, the laughing stock of the world as the testimony of 95% of all travelers from all around the world that visit Guanacaste do attest. Now, when you proudly say, “I’m a US citizen”… the first 3 things people think is stupid, racist, fascist and fat. Trump did that. Yeah, we had a bad well-earned rep up to that point, but Flumpy the Clown blew this out of the water. His presence brought out the absolute worst in American character and that is what I protest the most. That is why I’m glad Joe is in there, simply because he’s NOT Trump. I’d be happy with a rusty lug nut at this point. Biden, to me, he’s just another politician on the take like all of them. But with Trump, you can

The Drummers - A Tribute to My 1st Brother in Rhythm, Van Joncox

  Van and I shared the role of “the drummer” in high school, which was normally reserved for the Alpha drummer, but I was a rocker and knocked stuff over and made children cry with my style, and Van was a real technician, well practiced and precise, something I always envied him for. Style-wise, I was John Bonham, and Van was Bill Bruford, and we were both happy to carry the unofficial torch together. We understood and accepted our respective roles in the musical world and there was not one competitive bone in our bodies toward each other. But one day after school, and those 2 worlds collided when the Jazz Band was rehearsing. Of course, Van was the full time drummer for the Jazz Band as Mr. Head, our lovable musical director and teacher, was well aware of my rock-star sensibilities and he knew that I was ill-equipped for the job and frankly, uninterested, what with all the sheet music and such. But jazz band was right in Van’s wheelhouse. I stopped by on my way out that night to watch