
Showing posts from May, 2021

The Go-To GOP Response to Everything

GOP congressman, Andrew Clyde, GA, says calling the Capitol attack an insurrection is 'a bold-faced lie' and compares the rioters to tourists. link Yeah... so there's THAT. Strong letter to follow, so buckle up... if you're a sensitive 'Karen', I'd swipe left right now. -- First off, you can't accuse someone of lying when they are offering an OPINION! An opinion based on the broadcast that we ALL saw... we all saw the tapes after the fact too... and so did that GOP idiot right before he went into SPIN mode. Secondly... TOURISTS?... Where does THIS guy vacation? Leavenworth? Tell Ted Cruz so he can go drop his family off next time Texas has a dust storm. Are these GOP politicians just straight up stupid, or do they think we are? I know... it’s the later, but had to ask. This idiot calls it a LIE - but it's something everyone on earth SAW with their own eyes, as it happened! Left and right, black and white, fat and skinny, christian and muslim, boys an