
Showing posts from February, 2021

Cancel Culture is NOT a Thing... Correction Culture IS

Cancel Culture Is NOT a "problem" It's Not Even a "thing" Correction Culture IS!  ~ A dear friend sent me this to review. I did, thoroughly, and then responded...   Hi Mike.  Would you please do me the favor of watching this video. A friend just sent it to me and both my husband and I agree it brings a balanced perspective to the problem of “cancel culture”. -- Dearest Friend, The Washington Redskins... I always wondered a) how they could name the team that in the first place, and  b) what kind of insensitive person can stand on the belief that it's 'no big deal'. It's a fact that "redskins" is a derogatory term. Just because it's an old name is no justification for its existence. There is real pain caused to real people that that name represents. Just because 'some' people are use to it doesn't change that fact. Would the Chicago N*ggers be a suitable name just because they were named in th