
Showing posts from March, 2013

The New Drug Culture: America's Little "Problem"

I had a drug problem. My X-Wife has a drug problem. My son has a drug problem. The United States has a drug problem. But his is not thee drug problem they like to harp on in the news about - meth, opiates, heroin, bath salts…??? what?… bath salts? What ever happened to good old airplane glue? Anyway – this is not about that – this is about a drug problem that is much more deliberate and sinister than that. This is about the LEGAL drugs in the most blindly, capitalist, American sense. Me, my X-wife and my son, along with millions and millions of American’s citizens have all, unwittingly, become integral parts of the perpetual cycle of American Pharmaceutical Drug Dependency (hereinafter referred to as APDD). This serves only as an American, capitalist, money making machine who’s earning potential has justified the turning of a blind eye to the destructive power on her citizens. We were… I was, sold a bill of goods and I bought it hook line and SINKER. My addiction, despite the fact that