
Showing posts from July, 2012

What If Jesus Was Fat?

WHAT IF JESUS WAS FAT? Would That Image On The Crucifix Be As Easy To Sell Without The Hollywood Looks And 6-Pack Abs? It’s my feeling that they could not possibly sell Jesus to the masses like they have unless he was thin, white and good looking. Considering that the bible was the first book ever published, that makes it the very first marketing campaign in human history, and clearly, the most successful. But if you think about it, the smallest thing might have derailed that effort and forever changed the course of human history. Let’s Consider The Possibilities… Crucifixes would look like Budda-on-a-Stick. What if he was outright ugly? Do you think that would have ‘sold’ better than this image above? I mean… that’s a seriously good looking man right there. So I’m thinkin’… not so much. And ya’ gotta love that little split goatee action. What are the chances that 2,000 years ago, in the middle east, Jesus was a perfectly clean, english speaking, well manicured, thin, good looking whit