
Showing posts from June, 2012

A 'Coming Out' Party for Empathy - Love Wins!

This blog is my response to this ARTICLE I recently read about the US Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston overturning a 1996 ruling limiting same sex marriage benefits, deeming it unconstitutional. ~ Can you hear the thump-thump-thump of the bible slowly fading away? I can, and the silence is deafening. The Bible is Finally Being Bread OUT of the American Political Vernacular. It only took about 5 decades to breed the archaic religious dogma out of the US vernacular since the civil rights movement of the 60’s, and that phenomenon is finally starting to make a dent in the legal, religious and political landscape as evidenced by this unanimous decision that eventually leads way to one of the biggest Supreme Court Smack-Downs to come along in some time. But that certainly hasn’t stopped the desperate, fanatical right from still making noise, if only because they simply shout louder than everyone else. And the closer we get to The Big Smack-Down, the more surreal the noise will get. It’s l